Working for a Company
When it comes to working for a company, your students will automatically be provided to you by the company. This means that being with a company will take away the aspect of having to market yourself on a heavy level to find students and build yourself up. However, depending on the company you work for, you may need to do self-marketing to build up yourself as a teacher to get more students depending on the company's business model. For example, with a business like you will need to make yourself stand out against other teachers in any way possible. Many teachers on these types of sites promote the type of English that they teach so they can attract more learners. Making sure that you appeal to certain learners such as language for travel or business can help drive customers to you.
Another big advantage of working for a company is that many of them will have resources already prepared for you. Depending on the kind of business many have set curriculums which they have materials already prepared for such as PowerPoint slides, pictures, and lesson plans. This can often save you a lot of time for each lesson as you will not need to do intensive lesson planning and search for materials to fit your student.
When working for a company they will also tell you which specific program to use for teaching (zoom, skype, etc.) and will use mostly that program for your lesson with students. In addition to this, some companies will also have access to past recordings of teachers as well as training videos sometimes in order to show their teachers what a successful lesson looks like. You will also be open to feedback from others in the company, while if you are just starting out and on your own you may not be able to get insight into any problems that may arise.
One of the last benefits of working in a company is having little to no administrative work or tasks to do. Payment will all be sorted out by the company, while if you were running your own business, you would be required to sort payment out directly with your students. In addition, most businesses that deal with advertising and marketing through their website for teachers (like will also organize payment for you.