Teaching for your own Business

When it comes to teaching for your own online teaching business you will be able to set your own costs for lessons. You have the ability to raise and lower your lesson costs at will depending on the times and schedule. It is likely that you will be able to make a higher rate working for yourself rather than a company because it cuts out the middleman. You should just remember to choose a reasonable rate for your lessons, because if the fees are too high then it will be hard to attract a good number of students. If fees are too low, the business might not be self-sufficient or worth the time you are putting into it. It’s also important to know that if you are teaching for your own business you will need to find a way to advertise to learners and it is more than likely that you will be charged a fee or percentage of your lessons to advertise on a website. 


Another advantage of working for yourself is not worrying about reports. Many online companies will require reports or short write ups about each lesson that you do, which can be time consuming. In addition, some employers require you to give your learners certifications which can take a lot of time and effort. When working for yourself you can give your learners some short lesson plan cliff notes in order to show them what they have learned rather than writing a full report.


Choosing hours is also another pro of working for your own business. When you are working for a company, you will be assigned students and times, but when you work for yourself, you can be selective of students and the times that you teach for. This means that you will be able to pick exactly what times you can work at and the students that are the right fit for you. You also will be able to have consistent students rather than random students that a company will throw your way. Having your own schedule can be important if you run your own business so that you do not find yourself staying up for weird spaced-out hours rather than a set schedule each day that you make with your students.


The final advantage of working for your own business is that you are in complete control of your own teaching materials and everything else in general. You can look for anything that you need to suit your learners and are not shackled down by a company's curriculum and required work. However, this also means that you will need to spend a lot of time preparing properly for each class and finding the proper work for your student’s level.