Section 2: Planning Classes

Chapter 9: Starting and Ending Classes

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It has been talked about a little bit throughout the course; however, it is important to discuss this concept again. It is very important to remember that for both starting classes and ending classes you should try to always have a set routine. Personally, for us here at TEFL Abroad and our courses that we have taught before, we always try to open our classes with introductions (What’s your name? How are you today? What are you wearing today?) and then follow up with asking about daily things (How is the weather? What is today? What month is it?) and finalize with asking a daily question which can be randomly picked depending on the class's mood (What food do you like? etc.). Starting up on the same note each day gives the students a chance to get comfortable and ready to start learning. It is very important to have a starting routine as students need structure and it is a good way to always make sure your students can always start on a positive note.

On the other hand, with ending classes, it is a very similar concept. As a teacher you should always aim to end on a similar note and to also always give your students closure and a feeling that they have ended their day or class on a successful note. One great way to end classes for your students is to always play games after finishing the required work for the day. This method allows your students to easily relax and have a good time after needing to constantly think and exert themselves using English. Another good way to end classes is by offering rewards that build up to something for your students (for example sticker charts or some type of points that they can redeem for something like candy or snacks), by ending the class with rewarding students who did well and participated, your students can feel a sense of accomplishment and will feel more motivated and excited in the future to participate and work together with you in your classes.