Section 2: Planning Classes

Chapter 10: Reflecting on your Classes and Lessons

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One thing that can be highly recommended is always having a planner with you and constantly taking notes in the planner about your classes throughout the day. At the end of the day after all of your classes have finished, you should take a bit of time to reflect over your day and make some notes about things that went well and things that did not go well. Reflecting seems like such a small step in being a teacher but it is very important in order to see what your students reacted well to and to see what your students did not enjoy doing. Using your notes, you can plan future activities and events based around what the students did enjoy doing, which in turn will make your classes much easier and simpler to control as well as making the lessons go smoothly. When you encounter failure during a lesson you should not be discouraged in yourself or your students, you should take notes about aspects that did not work and write down why you think that activity was a failure. By taking time to sit down and reflect on your successes and mistakes you can start to build up a repertoire of successful lessons and games that can be repeated and used in the future and vice versa with saving a list of activities that did not work and improving by not repeating something you viewed as unsuccessful in the future. Reflecting on your classes is a small step to take in order to help you be a more successful teacher in the future as time goes on with your classes and students.