Section 7: Preparing for the Job and Going Abroad

Chapter 42: Stress Management

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Working as an English teacher is most certainly not an easy job and anyone who tells you otherwise is absolutely incorrect. It will take time for you to get into the groove and to adjust to your school and what is required of you as an English teacher. As an English teacher you will have days where nothing goes right in any of your lessons. You will have days where you just cannot get into the groove and are just generally upset. You will even have days where you are most likely annoyed with your student. But the biggest reason for this in general is that while you are living abroad and teaching English in a foreign country it is very easy to accumulate stress. Make sure that other than required planning and other things that are required for work, that after you leave and finish your work you change your mindset. Focus on being happy and content outside of the workplace and your work hours. The important thing to do is make sure you have some type of out for yourself after a hard day or week of work. Most people that move abroad enjoy drinking as in places like Korea you can buy a bottle of soju for around $2, or go to a restaurant and drink very cheaply with your friends. You can also try to travel on your weekends in order to experience as much of the country as possible. Also, don’t forget to try to make friends and connections as having other people to relate to and to communicate with is very important while you are living abroad. Managing your stress is all about making sure you are living a happy and healthy lifestyle, so make sure to try to balance your life with both work and fun activities! Try to make the most of your time in a country abroad and do as much as possible!