Listening Activities and Resources for Online Lessons

Now that we have discussed listening lessons in online classes, we will now cover what kind of activities you can do in your classes with some basic examples of listening activities. Let’s look at some activities that can be used both in class and for homework outside of the class. 

  • Give your students a checklist and have them check what they can see or hear about in the video with a variety of options. This can be done both in class and as an assignment at home.

  • Have students watch two videos on the same topic in different groups at home and then discuss what they saw in the video in class. This is done both in class and as an assignment at home.

  • Read to your students and have them take notes or give them a type of list to check based on what you read, then discuss together with the class using the hand raise feature to form the full story of what you read. This is done in class, but can be made a home assignment with voice recordings.

  • Have students watch a movie clip with no audio on it and then discuss what you think that they were saying, then watch the clip again with the audio on and discuss it again and the students' predictions. This can also be sent home and then discussed in class if you send the clip with no audio for homework.

  • Show students several pictures and start describing them, have the students select which photo is the correct one that is being described. This activity is done during class, you can also send the photos home and have the students do the same activity but with each other instead of you doing the descriptions.

Luckily for listening lessons, they are extremely easy to find resources for. In the modern day with resources with YouTube, you have everything available on one platform. There are other websites and resources that you can look into; however, with the availability of YouTube you really won’t need any other types of resources, as you can create your own resources as well for your listening lessons.