Section 3: Classroom Etiquette

Chapter 22: Technology in the Classroom

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English teaching is something that continues to grow and change as time goes on. If you told ESL teachers and schools years back that phones, computers, and YouTube videos belonged in the classroom you would be looked at as a crazy person or just lazy. In the modern-day using technology to your advantage is a huge deal in the ESL teaching field. With the vast amount of quality videos, songs, and general teaching resources on the internet in the modern day, there are many advantages to having a computer attached to a monitor with a touch screen or having a computer with an HDMI port to put the display on TV for your students. Being able to show your students videos, songs, or even just basic information is something that can be used to keep student interest as well as to facilitate learning. However, even if you have these things available you should be wary as many schools or parents can get easily upset if you show too many things to your students, spend too much time showing your students online media, or show something that a parent could possibly deem as inappropriate to their own personal thoughts of beliefs. It is highly recommended that you take advantage of the resources that your school has in order to create an interesting and fun school environment, just remember to not rely too much on TV or online media, as some schools do not view online media in a good light even when used well in the classroom.